As many of you know I am an IPA girl when it comes to beer. There is usually at least one IPA mentioned in the brewery of the week posts and most of my Instagram photos are of IPA’s. So as I was brainstorming topics to write about I thought why not list my Top 10 IPA’s currently. Now I know a lot of people have done this list and most of the time you see the same list or at least very similar lists, this is not the case with this list in fact you will probably be surprised by my answers.
Now without further ado here are my Top 10 IPA’s currently:
10. Hop Cloud IPA, Mike Hess Brewing, San Diego, CA

All of you know I love a good Hazy. Hop Cloud was one of my beers of choice this summer to cool off from the 100 degree weather. It is a nice juicy IPA sitting at 7% ABV with a lot of pineapple and mango flavor. It also has no bitterness at all so it even appeals to non-IPA lovers. The only thing I wish it had a little bit more of is bitterness believe it or not.
9. Hip Check IPA, Boise Brewing, Boise, ID

Even though I adore Hazy’s sometimes I’m in the mood for a northwest style IPA. Hip Check is your typical Northwest IPA with that piney aroma and hoppy finish. This delicious brew sits at 7.6% ABV and definitely caters to hop heads like mwah.
8. Baby Mango Session IPA, Novo Brazil Brewing, San Diego, CA

This was probably my top choice for beers this summer because it is not only juicy and fruity but it is also very light and just sits at 4.9% ABV. I could pound these by the pool all day long, as suggested by the name it tastes like you just bit into a mango.
7. Hop Chowda Hazy IPA, Goldwater Brewing Company, Scottsdale, AZ

This brew coming in at 6.4% ABV should be on every hazy lover’s try list. It literally is like a mango citrusy juice and the haze on it is great! Now why am I only listing it at number seven? you will see by the end of this list if not before.
6. So Juicy IPA, Woodland Empire Ale Craft, Boise, ID

While I was living in Boise this beer made me feel like I was sitting on a beach in the dead of winter. Sitting at 5.6% ABV this is just a juicy fruity IPA this beer is perfect for any juicy or hazy lover.
5. First Sight IPA, Lost Grove Brewing, Boise, ID

This brew sitting at 6.5% ABV is Lost Grove’s original IPA part of their IPA series. Sorry I could not include a picture of the beer for some reason it would not let me save as a jpg. Anyways, this brew has a nice haze to it but it has a good balance of juicy and bitterness which is exactly what I look for in a hazy.
4. Church Music, The Shop Beer Company, Tempe, AZ

Once you take a sip of this beer I swear angels start singing. Sitting at 6.7% ABV the only way I can describe is a juicy fruity mix of heaven.
3. Jai Alai, Cigar City Brewing, Tampa, FL

Jai Alai comes in at 7.5% ABV and it is your traditional English IPA. It will definitley please any hophead like me and it is even better when you pair it with deviled crab.
2. Wyoming Toad, Coal Creek Tap, Laramie, WY

Of course I had to include my favorite brewery in the town where my alma mater is (again sorry I could not find a good photo of this golden deliciousness). This IPA coming in at 7.3% ABV has a nice piney aroma at first with a good bitter hop finish. Brings me back to the good ‘ol days of college.
1. New England Hazy IPA, White Dog Brewing, Boise, ID

The king of them all White Dog’s New England Hazy and do you recognize this brewery from a post? You should because it was the brewery of the week a couple weeks ago. This IPA rings in at 6% ABV and it is literally the perfect blend of juiciness and hopiness. I mean it when I say that I have not found a better hazy than this one right here (and I’ve had a lot of hazy’s) and if you have not tried it and you are a hazy lover it needs to go on the list.
So tell me what you think of this list. Were any surprising? Were there some that you expected? Let me know and until next time Hoppy Travels!