2019 is coming to a close so it is time to write about my top breweries of 2019. I will say this is in no particular order I’m just going to list off what breweries really impressed me this year. Without further ado lets get into it:
Coal Creek Tap

So I celebrated New Years in my alma mater in Laramie, Wyoming and I got to spend some time at Coal Creek Tap and they never cease to amaze me with every beer they come out with. That is one of the reasons why they are one of my top breweries of this year. They are also one of my top breweries because they brew such great beer in a place that is not very well known and if you guys can tell I love finding those hidden gems and bringing them out in the open. Unfortunately these guys do not distribute but that just gives you an excuse to travel there and check out the college town that is Laramie.
White Dog Brewing Company

Yes of course White Dog is on the list and that is truly because they come out with the best beer. They were the brewery of the week a few weeks back so go read that article and learn about why I love this brewery so much.
Lost Grove Brewing

Lost grove is on this list because I love what they stand for and the taproom vibe is super chill and laid back. They also come out with phenomenal beer that will give some big breweries a run for their money. These guys are also from Boise, a place that not very many people think of as a beer town but they should. They do not distribute which gives you ever more reason to travel to Boise and try their beer.
Boise Brewing

Those of you who went to Great American Beer Fest know that Boise Brewing won a gold medal for their Black Cliffs Stout which honestly has put Boise on the map as a beer town. What I love about them is that they are a community supported brewery and I love it when a community backs a small brewery or any other small business.
Novo Brazil Brewing Company

Novo Brazil was a brewery of the week so go check out that post to learn all about them. They are one of my favorite breweries of this year because not only do they make great beer but they also stay true to their Brazilian nature.
Those are my top 5 breweries of 2019 and until next time hoppy travels!