Okay now even though there are so many articles on this topic people still have a bad habit of holding on to many of these myths about beer. So without further ado lets get started.
1. Beer Should be Served in a Frosteded Mug
People will fight with me tooth and nail on this subject but the truth is beer mugs should not be frosted. If the beer mug is frosted it will actually numb your senses to the taste of the beer. It is kind of like wine, would you frost your wine glass?
2. All Dark Beers are Heavy

That cannot be anymore false and a myth that I am so glad I was taught to not believe. I was at a beer education/tap takeover event at a beer gardens on my college campus and Prost Brewing from Denver was doing the beer education and that was when I was introduced to the wonderful beer style that is a Dunkelweiss. I was expecting it to be heavy cause its dark but it went down so smooth I thought I was drinking a Hefeweizen. Needless to say, I have abandoned that belief.
3. The Best Way to Enjoy a Beer is From a Bottle
I can’t believe this is a myth to be honest. Of course the best way to enjoy a beer is from a pint glass which lets you smell the beer whence the reason why bottles are actually the most terrible way to enjoy a beer.
4. Canned Beer is Cheap

Canned beer is not cheap actually some of my favorite beers are in cans. Most cans now have a water-line so that the beer doesn’t touch the aluminum.
5. Cocktails Won’t Give you a Belly but Beer Will
I know I’m going to get hate for this but for those of you who are like “I don’t drink beer it gives me a belly” your sugary cocktails are definitely not better. A margarita is going to have just as much calories as a beer.
Were there any myths that were surprising? Let me know in the comments and until next time Hoppy Travels!