Phoenix Beer Company not only loves Phoenix but also great beer. I had the pleasure of interviewing Adam Wojcik the Brewery Director this week and he sure did not disappoint.
What was the Inspiration for Phoenix Beer Company?
So the space that Phoenix Beer Co is in now was another brewery that was about to close its doors and the founders were passionate about craft beer, good food, and Phoenix as a whole. They wanted to brew beer for Phoenecians and why should we trust these guys to do that? Well because many of them are 2nd, 3rd, and 4th generation Phoenecians and they have been in the craft beer industry for a long time.
What Makes Phoenix Beer Co different from other breweries?
What makes them unique from other breweries is that they are very much community driven and they constantly seek out ways to give back to the community while also brewing great beer.
What Made you Want to Get into the Craft Beer Industry?
So Adam fell into the beer industry when he was at the very legal age of 20 working for a distributor. That distributor started getting more of the craft beers and so after some time with them he wanted to be on the brewery side of things and now he is doing a splendid job at Phoenix Beer Company.
How Many Barrels of Beer do you Brew Annually?
So Phoenix Beer Co has only been opened for six months but in that time they brewed about 1800 barrels and the goal is to get to 3300 barrels.
Any New Brews Coming Out?
They have their 14 core year-round beers and then they do a few seasonals. Right now they have their Barleywine which is very unique because most barleywine’s are malty and boozy and theirs is more hoppy.
What is Your Favorite Beer Currently?
Adam’s favorite currently is their IPA and this is another beer that’s very unique from other breweries. Most breweries make their IPA’s heavy but PHX beer co’s IPA is very crisp and sessionable and they did that because of the extreme weather conditions in Phoenix which I will say I very much appreciate.
What is the Flagship Beer?
The IPA is their flagship beer and they wanted to build trust with their customers and they wanted to do that with their IPA so that when they see the other IPA’s they know they do that style well and they can trust that those IPA’s are good.
Pros and Cons of your Locations?
The obvious pro is that they are centrally located and they’re in great neighborhoods and they are neighborhood driven. One of their missions is to bring neighborhoods together. The only con is that they aren’t located everywhere yet. I will just add that one of my passions and goals is to bring people together over good beer and cider and so I love how Phoenix Beer Company is neighborhood driven because it helps the cause of bringing people together over good beer.
Do you guys have any Weird or Cool Traditions whenever you’re brewing?
So right now they just have pizza on Fridays however Adam told me that he will have something a year from now and I’m holding him to it so stay tuned.
Do you Guys take any Inspiration from other Breweries or Countries Brewing Styles?

While they don’t take anything as far as brewing styles from anyone Adam did say they appreciate the the ones that paved the way for craft beer in Arizona like Four Peaks Brewing and Wren House.
If you could sit down and have a Beer with Anyone Living or Dead who would it be and why?

I mean lets be honest it would be interesting to sit down with any of the founding fathers and discuss America today over a tasty beverage but their is one that would be extra fun and that would be Benjamin Franklin, and that was Adam’s answer. Not only is he a founding father but he enjoyed his beers and ciders very much. I mean he did famously say”Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.”
Describe your Emotions When this Brewery was Happening
It was mostly excitement but of course with any business there are a lot of hardships and Adam said if it were easy everyone would do it.
What kind of response did you get from other Breweries?
“Nothing but support.” I love highlighting this too because in most industries its not but competition and while yes breweries compete but they also help each other out because ultimately it is a family and you want the people in your family to succeed. Adam gave the greatest example and that’s the established brewery is the most popular kid in school but then theres a new kid coming in and you wish them the best of luck.
Any Final Comments for Readers?
Go by for a beer and maybe some food! They definitley appreciate your feeback. They will be at Arizona Craft Beer Festival this Saturday!
Defintiley check these guys out they are awesome and if you are in Arizona and haven’t gotten your tickets for AZ Craft Beer Fest get them here: Until next time Hoppy Travels!