If I could describe this trip in two words I would say eye opening. As many of you know Boise is my true home so honestly calling this a vacation sounds weird to me. I know some of you are going to ask but Taylor this was the sixth state you’ve lived in and you only lived there for a year and a half why is this your true home? One thing that I’ve learned over the years is home is wherever you feel loved and are around people that love and and support me. To me that is Boise.

As I was flying to Boise from Las Vegas (It was cheaper to fly out from there than Phoenix) I just had the biggest smile on my face and I was so excited to go home to the point where I almost bursted into happy tears. I arrived in Boise and of course the first thing I did was went down to White Dog Brewing where I used to work and had beers with my two of my best friends Mike and Chris. Going into this trip I was in a bad place mentally and honestly when I was on the plane and I was landing at Boise Air Ground Terminal I felt like there was hope.

After White Dog we went to Boise Brewing where we talked about my struggles here in Phoenix and honestly talking about those things in person to the people I love (at this point I’m getting teary eyed) was so relieving that I forgot about my life back in Phoenix. Day 2 was basic but also so much fun we went to a University of Wyoming Alumni Happy Hour because Wyoming was playing Boise State and theres a large alumni group there. That was when it really hit me. I recently had an article come out about me and this blog in Voyage Phoenix Magazine and the alumni association shared it on all of their social media pages. Did I get any congratulations or anything from my own family? Besides my sister no.

After that we went out and celebrated and to be honest I remember going to this 10th street bar place which was awesome and then going home.

Day 3 I went to visit my friends at Lost Grove Brewing and being there just reminded me to find my happiness and to fight for it so with that thought in mind I went to the Wyoming vs Boise State Game at Albertsons stadium and I screamed my head off for my pokes. Day 4 was by far the best I went and watched my Tampa Bay Buccaneers at my favorite NFL Sunday bar and with my favorite people to watch football with. After that I went to the hot springs and that was when I knew I need to leave my current situation. I felt the most free I have ever felt in my life.

Veterans Day was my thanksgiving I sat with new people as well as my loved ones and we barbecued and drank beer and had fun and maybe made some questionable decisions. My last day I walked and drank through boise and cried a little…by a little I mean a lot.

The next day I headed to the airport and I almost did not get on the plane because I didn’t want to go back to all the pain that I felt before. So I get back and automatically I regretted it and if you really want to know what I have been through basically a deal and trust has been broken.

If you want to see what happens next tune in to the next post!

Until next time Hoppy Travels!

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